CSS Painting Order
How does a browser determine what order to paint content in? A first guess might be that browsers will paint content in the order that it is specified in the DOM, which for an HTML page is the order it appears in the source code of the page.
We can construct a simple example showing that two divs overlap in this order. We overlap two divs by giving one of them a negative top margin.
.box {
width: 8ex;
height: 8ex;
padding: 0.2ex;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: right;
.blue { background: #99DDFF; }
/* The second div has a negative top margin so that it overlaps
with the first (blue) div. Also, shift it over to the right
slightly. */
.green {
background: #44BB99;
margin-left: 3ex;
margin-top: -6ex;
<div class="blue box">1</div>
<div class="green box">2</div>
It seems that our guess was a pretty good guess! I’m sure some of you
are saying, “Hold on! What about z-index
?” You’re right. Using the
property, we can override the normal painting order used by the
browser. We give the green div a z-index
and make it relatively positioned,
because z-index
only works on positioned elements. We also add a yellow
child of the green div to see how this affects children. Finally, let’s
start labeling each div with its z-index.
.yellow {
margin-left: 3ex;
background: #EEDD88;
<div class="blue box">0</div>
<div class="green box" style="position: relative; z-index: -1;">-1
<div class="yellow box">-1</div>
In this example, the green div is painted before the blue div, even though it
comes later in the source code. We can see that the z-index
affects the div
itself and also the yellow child div. What if we want to now paint the yellow
nested child on top of everything by giving it a large positive z-index
<div class="blue box">0</div>
<div class="green box" style="position: relative; z-index: -1;">-1
<div class="yellow box" style="position: relative; z-index: 1000;">1000</div>
Wait! What’s going on here? The blue div has no z-index
specified, which
should mean that the value used for its z-index
is zero. The z-index
of our
nested yellow child is 1000, yet this div is still painted underneath. Why
isn’t the nested child painted on top of the blue div as we might expect?
At this point, it’s appropriate we have to buy the classic joke “CSS IS AWESOME” mug, fill it up with coffee, and read the entirety of the CSS2 specification. Suddenly, we understand that the answer is that the our divs are forming something called stacking contexts.
The Stacking Context
We determined exactly what was going when we arrived at Appendix E: Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts. Thankfully, we made a stupidly big cup of coffee since all the good information is apparently stuffed in the appendices. Appendix E gives us a peak at the algorithm that browsers use to determine the painting order of content on the page, including what sorts of properties affect this painting order. It turns out that our early guesses were mostly correct, things generally stack according to the order in the DOM and active z-indices. Sometimes though, certain CSS properties applied to elements trigger the creation of a stacking context which might affect painting order in a way we don’t expect.
We learn from the Appendix E that a stacking context is an atomically
painted collection of page items. What does this mean? To put it
simply, it means that things inside a stacking context are painted
together, as a unit, and that items outside the stacking content will never
be painted between them. Having an active z-index
is one of the
situations in CSS which triggers the creation of a stacking context. Is
there a way we can adjust our example above so that the third element
belongs to the same stacking context as the first two elements? The answer
is that we must remove it from the stacking context created by the second
<div class="blue box">0</div>
<div class="yellow box" style="position: relative; z-index: 1000; margin-top: -5ex">1000</div>
<div class="green box" style="position: relative; z-index: -1; margin-left: 6ex;">-1</div>
Now the yellow div is a sibling of the blue and the green and is painted on top of both of them, even though it now comes second in the source.
It’s clear that stacking contexts can impose strong limitations on the
order our elements are painted, so it’d be great to know when we are triggering
them. Whether or not a particular CSS feature triggers the creation of a new
stacking context is defined with that feature, which means the information is
spread throughout quite a few specifications. Helpfully, MDN has a great list
of situations
where element create a stacking context. Some notable examples are elements
with an active z-index
, position: fixed
and position: sticky
elements, and elements with a transform
or perspective
Surprising Details
I’m going to level with you. While the stacking context might be a bit confusing at first, for a browser implementor it makes things a lot simpler. The stacking context is a handy abstraction over a chunk of the layout tree which can be processed atomically. In fact, it would be nice if more things created stacking contexts. Rereading the list above you may notice some unusual exceptions. Some of these exceptions are not “on purpose,” but were just arbitrary decisions made a long time ago.
For me, one of the most surprising exceptions to stacking context creation
is overflow: scroll
. We know that setting scroll
for the overflow
property causes all contents that extend past the padding
edge of a
box to be hidden within a scrollable area. What does it mean that they
do not trigger the creation of a stacking context? It means that content
outside of a scrollable area can intersect content inside of it. All it
takes is a little bit of work to see this in action:
.scroll-area {
overflow: scroll;
border: 3px solid salmon;
width: 18ex;
height: 15ex;
margin-left: 2ex;
.scroll-area .vertical-bar {
position: relative; /* We give each bar position: relative so that they can have z-indices. */
float: left;
height: 50ex;
width: 4ex;
/* A striped background that shows scrolling motion. */
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
salmon 0px, salmon 10px,
orange 10px, orange 20px
/* Even bars will be on top of the yellow vertical bar due to having a greater z-index. */
.scroll-area .vertical-bar:nth-child(even) {
z-index: 4;
opacity: 0.9;
.yellow-horizontal-bar {
margin-top: -10ex;
margin-bottom: 10ex;
max-width: 30ex;
background: #EEDD88;
/* Raise the horizontal bar above the scrollbar of the scrolling area. */
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
<!-- A scroll area with four vertical bars. -->
<div class="scroll-area">
<div class="vertical-bar"></div>
<div class="vertical-bar"></div>
<div class="vertical-bar"></div>
<div class="vertical-bar"></div>
<!-- A div that will thread in between the vertical bars of the scroll area above. -->
<div class="yellow-horizontal-bar">~~JUST PASSING THROUGH~~</div>
Using the power of web design, we’ve managed to wedge the final div between the contents of the scroll frame. Half of the scrolling content is on top of the interloper and half is underneath. This probably renders in a surprising way with the interposed div on top the scrolling area’s scrollbar (if it has one). You can imagine what kind of headaches this causes for the implementation of scrollable areas in browser engines, because the children of a particular scroll area might be spread throughout the layout tree. There’s no guarantee that it has any kind of recursive encapsulation.
CSS’s rules often have a reasoned origin, but some of them are just arbitrary implementation decisions made roughly 20 years ago without the benefit of hindsight. Rough edges like this stacking context exception might seldom come into play, but the web is huge and has collected years of content. There are potentially thousands of pages relying on this behavior such as lists of 2003’s furriest angora rabbits or memorials to someone’s weird obsession with curb cuts. The architects of the web have chosen not to break those galleries of gorgeous lagomorphs and has instead opted for maximizing long-term web compatibility.
Breaking the Rules
Earlier, I wrote that nothing from the outside a stacking context can be painted in between a stacking context’s contents. Is that really, really, really true though? CSS is so huge, there must be at least one exception, right? I now have a concrete answer to this question and that answer is “maybe.” CSS is full of big hammers and one of the biggest hammers (this is foreshadowing for a future post) is CSS transformations. This makes sense. Stacking contexts are all about enforcing order amidst the chaos of the z-axis, which is the one that extends straight from your heart into your screen. Transformed elements can traverse this dimension allowing for snazzy flipbook effects and also requiring web browsers to gradually become full 3D compositors. Surely if its possible to break this rule we can do it with 3D CSS transformations.
Let’s take a modified version of one of our examples above. Here we have
three boxes. The last two are inside of a div with a z-index
of -2, which
means that they are both inside a single stacking context that stacks
underneath the first box.
.salmon {
background: salmon;
margin-top: -5ex;
margin-left: 4ex;
<div class="blue box">0</div>
<div style="position: relative; z-index: -2;">
<div class="green box">-2</div>
<div class="salmon box">-2</div>
Now we make two modifications to this example. First, we wrap the example in a
new div with a transform-style
of preserve-3d
, which will position all
children in 3d space. Finally, we push one of the divs with z-index
of -2 out
of the screen using a 3d translation.
<div style="transform-style: preserve-3d;">
<div class="blue box">0</div>
<div style="position: relative; z-index: -2;">
<div class="green box">-2</div>
<div class="salmon box" style="transform: translateZ(50px);">-2</div>
It’s possible that your browser might not render this in the same way, but in
Chrome the div with z-index
of 0 is rendered in between two divs within the same
stacking context both with z-index
of -2.
We broke the cardinal rule of the stacking context. Take that architects of the web! Is this exercise useful at all? Almost certainly not. I hope it was sufficiently weird though!
Hopefully I’ll be back soon to talk about the implementation of this wonderful nonsense in Servo. I want to thank Frédéric Wang for input on this post and also Mozilla for allowing me to hack on this as part of my work for Igalia. Servo is a really great way to get involved in browser development. It’s also written in Rust, which is a language that can help you become a better programmer simply by learning it, so check it out. Thanks for reading!